Our Physical Therapy Rehab Specialists provide services that help restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities of patients suffering from injuries or disease.
We restore, maintain, and promote overall fitness and health. Our patients include accident victims and individuals with disabling conditions such as neck and low-back pain, arthritis, pre- and post- surgical rehabilitation, fractures, and all orthopedic injuries.
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Our Physical Therapy Rehab Specialists and Chiropractors examine patients, take medical histories, and then test and measure the patient’s strength, range of motion, balance and coordination, posture, muscle performance, respiration, and motor function.
We also determine our patient’s ability to be independent and reintegrate into the community or workplace after injury or illness. Next, we develop plans describing a treatment strategy, its purpose, and its anticipated outcome.
Physical Therapy Rehab Specialists and Chiropractic Assistants, under the direction and supervision of a Medical Director, may be involved in implementing treatment plans with patients. These treatments often include:
- Electrical Stimulation: reduce pain
- Deep Tissue Massage: reduce muscle spasm
- Laser/Light therapy, and Ultrasound: reduce swelling and increase healing
- Mechanical Traction: increase spinal ROM and function
- Neuromuscular Reeducation: reduce nerve root impingement and irritation
- Exercises exercise for patients who have been immobilized and lack flexibility, strength, or endurance. We encourage our patients to use their own muscles to increase their flexibility and range of motion before finally advancing to other exercises that improve strength, balance, coordination, and endurance. The goal is to improve how an individual functions at work and at home.
- Our therapists also teach patients to use adaptive devices, such as crutches, prostheses, and wheelchairs.
- We also may show patients exercises to do at home to expedite their recovery.
- Prior to being discharged from care, a customized home exercise program is given to every patient so that they may continue to maintain their health and achieve their goals
Diagnostic and Testing Services
The following diagnostic and testing services are either available at our facility or through one of our medical affiliates. We make all arrangements and take care of necessary referrals.
- FCE (functional capacity evaluation): to study and update the current physical demand capacity. This test is used to determine if this patient is safely to return back to work with specific recommendation.
- EMG/NCV (electromyelogram/ nerve conduction velocity) test: to study any spinal nerve root compression, peripheral nerve deficit, sensory loss, or strength deficiency.
- X/rays (radiographic exam): to rule out any fracture or dislocation.
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): to rule any soft tissue pathology or abnormal changes.
- CT scan (computed tomography): to rule out any bone pathology, fracture, or post surgical changes after surgery.
- Discogram/CT scan: to study the integrity of the disc to rule any annular fibers or nucleus pulposis tear.
- Myelogram/CT scan: to study any spinal nerve root inflammation, impingement, or as a good method to see if patients are good candidates for spinal surgery.
McKenzie’s Exercises
THESE ARE THE TWO BASIC EXERCISES THAT YOU MUST DO TO REDUCE THE CHANCE OF INJURING YOUR BACK. Click the PDF document link below to print or download as a reference.